Welcome to IsaacLudwig.com

Blog Resume isaacludw (AIM)

At some point in my life I decided that owning my name as a domain was a good idea... this is part of my public extension of my reality of self. I live and work in the Smoky Mountains in a town called Hartford, TN. I do paddlesports marketing for a company called Rafting in the Smokies. We opened a new outfitters store this spring with a special emphasis on paddling.

I'm currently in a mustache growing competition check out the blog at mustacheking.blogspot.com

My brother Amos is currently hiking the Appalachian Trail. For updates on his trip check out his blog.

This past winter I was fortunate to travel to South America with a great group of friends. Check out the posts Jared Seiler wrote from our trip on teampyranha.com. During the trip I also was a currier for an organization called Medicines Global

In my free time I write for a magazine called Sidetracked, paddle for KayakHabit.com, am active in the area's environmental movement and practice yoga among other things. Someday I hope to have an independent PR practice and be able to promote my friends such as Nate Zuzack, Patrick Davidson, Jason Joven and Chris Nathan

Blog Resume isaacludw (AIM)